Does Sculpteo allow clustered parts?

The SLS plastics, HP Multi Jet Fusion &  Polyjet resins allow parts to be clustered, but any material that needs additional supports during the production process like materials manufactured using DMLS, FDM, SLA, DLS, LCD/DLP won’t allow clustered parts.

When the stems are made around your objects, some limitations need to be taken into account. It is not possible to just make the sprues the same thickness as the minimum thickness as the parts may break and are lost during the printing post process:

  • For raw parts that are, we ask for a minimum sprue thickness of 2 mm x 2 mm.
  • For polished parts, we ask for a minimum thickness of 3 mm x 3 mm 



These minimum thicknesses ensure that your objects are printed correctly and that no parts break off and are lost, which will cause disappointment when the parts are received.

Should you have any questions about your project before ordering, you can contact us.